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Product Model Number: 6153
Product Name: SSP-6000W
Brigade’s Sidescan®Predict is the next generation of side-detection sensor system, designed for collision avoidance between road vehicles, objects and vulnerable road users.
Utilising ultrasonic technology, this intelligent system predicts if a collision is likely to occur. By analysing data such as speed, direction and acceleration of both the vehicle and detected object, and differentiating between static and moving objects, the Sidescan®Predict algorithm assesses the risk and calculates the likelihood of an impact.
Sidescan®Predict instantly alerts the driver to potential dangers via a multi-stage in-cab visual and audible warning system, according to the urgency of the situation – thus minimising the number of audible alerts and reducing false alarms.
Brigade’s Sidescan®Predict is the next generation of side-detection sensor system, designed for collision avoidance between road vehicles, objects and vulnerable road users.
Utilising ultrasonic technology, this intelligent system predicts if a collision is likely to occur. By analysing data such as speed, direction and acceleration of both the vehicle and detected object, and differentiating between static and moving objects, the Sidescan®Predict algorithm assesses the risk and calculates the likelihood of an impact.
Sidescan®Predict instantly alerts the driver to potential dangers via a multi-stage in-cab visual and audible warning system, according to the urgency of the situation – therefore minimising the number of audible alerts and reducing false alarms.
Unique in the market, Sidescan®Predict has been designed and developed by Brigade from concept through to production. It is one of the most technically sophisticated products within our portfolio.
Designed for rigid-bodied vehicles, the system comprises of six ultrasonic sensors fitted along the side of the vehicle to increase safety when turning or low speed manoeuvring. Sidescan®Predict detects objects in the nearside blind spot, where cyclists or other VRUs can otherwise go undetected. Each sensor has a maximum detection radius of 2.5 metres.
Sidescan®Predict constantly gathers object detection data such as the distance of an object, cyclist or other VRU from the vehicle, whether moving or stationary, plus additional information such as the speed, direction, acceleration, and turning rate. The data feeds an algorithm to calculate the risk of a collision, which is delivered to the driver as a visual warning, audible warning or both, depending on the severity of the calculation.
“Please note calibration is required for this product and is only compatible with rigid vehicles”
A static object has been detected
A static object/vehicle/VRU has been detected but is not in the vehicle’s path. No danger of collision.
No driver warning.
A moving object has been detected
A moving vehicle/VRU has been detected but is not in the vehicle’s path. Minimal danger of collision.
A yellow visual warning. No audible warning.
A moving object has been detected close to the vehicle
A moving vehicle/VRU has been detected very close to, but not in the path of the vehicle.
Minimal danger of collision but alerts the driver to
its presence.
A flashing yellow visual warning. No audible warning
Danger of collision
A moving vehicle/VRU or static object has been detected within the path of the vehicle that is turning or is indicating to turn. Alerts the driver to be vigilant as a collision is possible.
A flashing yellow visual warning. A high-pitched audible warning.
Collision predicted
A moving vehicle/VRU or static object has been detected in the direct path of the vehicle that is turning. Alerts the driver to take immediate action as a collision is likely.
A flashing red visual warning. A high-pitched audible warning.