All vehicles have blind spots – areas around the vehicle that are obscured to the driver by bodywork or machinery. When manoeuvring, these blind spots present a significant danger to anything or anyone in the vehicle’s path and inhibit the driver’s ability to operate the vehicle safely. The Backeye 360 camera system from Brigade aims to give peace of mind and provide an innovative safety solution.
Mirrors and single-view cameras help to see blind spots; but, even with this extra assistance, the driver may still not see everything in the vehicle’s path. After all, they can only be watching the road, or looking in one monitor or mirror at any given time. Research shows that in the time it takes to scan four mirrors, assess and then react to hazards, even at speeds as low as 5kph a vehicle could travel as far as 10m.
Backeye®360 is an intelligent camera monitor system designed to assist low-speed manoeuvring by providing the driver with a complete surround view of the vehicle in real time.
Brigade offers a choice of 360° technologies, both of which work with four ultra wide-angle cameras that each covers one full side of the vehicle with a viewing angle of over 180°. High-mounted on the front, rear and sides, the calibrated cameras capture all of the surrounding area including the blind spots of the vehicle or machine.
The four live images are simultaneously sent to an electronic control unit (ECU) where they are instantly processed, combined, blended and stitched. The distortion from the wide-angle camera lens is also corrected before delivering a clear, single, smooth, real-time image onto the driver’s monitor.
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